temporary heat safety

Temporary Heat Safety

Temporary Heat Safety

temporary heat safetyTemporary heat safety devices are a vital part of working effectively in cold weather. They allow temperature-critical work to continue on schedule, and provide for more comfortable working conditions. However, as a result of poor selection and careless use of portable heaters, injuries, and damaging fires occur every year.

If improperly used, temporary heating devices can lead to burns, fires, explosions, carbon monoxide poisoning, and the creation of oxygen-deficient atmospheres. So, with the winter season upon us, it’s important to review the many types of temporary heating devices that are available, and be sure they are used safely.

A variety of devices to choose from: Temporary heat units can be fired either directly or indirectly. They can be electric or fueled by:

  • Liquefied Petroleum Gas (propane)
  • Natural Gas
  • Liquid Fuel (kerosene, fuel oil, coal oil, and some diesel oils) or,
  • Solid fuel (wood, coal, coke, etc.). Solid fuel heaters are the most uncontrollable and therefore most potentially dangerous. Because of the inherent hazards associated with solid fuel, temporary units can not be used inside or within 25 feet of any building or structure. This safety requirement makes their use for most temporary heating situations impractical.

Always follow safety guidelines

The most important instructions will be found on the side of the heating unit, though instructions will not be the same for all equipment. What was safe to use in one location may not be so in another. Remember the old saying, “When in doubt, read the instructions”. This is critical advice when using heating equipment, to avoid creating a hazard.

Some other important tips for temporary heating devices:

  • Never use a “fueled” heater within 10 feet of debris piles, temporary enclosures, tarps, combustible materials, or flammable material.
  • Maintain a good fresh air supply to avoid oxygen-deficient atmospheres; flame uses oxygen.
  • Every heating unit must have a fire extinguisher immediately available.
  • Never leave an operating heater unattended during non-working hours.
  • The use of temporary heaters in confined spaces is never recommended; when they are used, sufficient ventilation and temperature control must be provided.
  • Allow the heater to cool down before it is re-fueled.
  • Always turn off the gas supply when the heater is not in use.
  • Never store used or extra LPG containers inside. Only those in use should be present.
  • Temporary heaters should be placed at least six feet from the LP container and not fired toward the container unless the heater is an approved integrated unit.
  • Never manifold more than three 100-pound LPG cylinders together.
  • LP cylinders must be secured in an upright position and protected from damage.
  • Never use LPG below grade level: Be aware that gases such as propane are heavier than air and will settle into any low spots, such as a basement. If there is no way for them to exit, a spark or flame can ignite and explode the concentration of gas, causing great damage and injuries.

Temporary heaters are great tools, allowing work to continue in cold and damp weather. But remember, they can be dangerous. Learn how to operate them, and don’t take them for granted.

Stay Warm, But Stay Safe!