Why Use A Safety Can For Gasoline? Gasoline is an extremely flammable liquid fuel. It should always be handled and stored properly in order to reduce the likelihood of fires and explosions. Personal injuries ranging from first-degree burns to fatalities can result from improper handling and storage practices. Safety cans are designed to control the flammable vapors of gasoline and to provide a safe and convenient means for storage and transfer. Underwriters Laboratories (UL) approved safety cans should be used to carry, dispense, and store gasoline in quantities up to five gallons. Failure to use approved metal containers for flammable or combustible...

Temporary Heat Safety Temporary heat safety devices are a vital part of working effectively in cold weather. They allow temperature-critical work to continue on schedule, and provide for more comfortable working conditions. However, as a result of poor selection and careless use of portable heaters, injuries, and damaging fires occur every year. If improperly used, temporary heating devices can lead to burns, fires, explosions, carbon monoxide poisoning, and the creation of oxygen-deficient atmospheres. So, with the winter season upon us, it's important to review the many types of temporary heating devices that are available, and be sure they are used safely. A variety...

Do You Know the Common Facts About Gasoline? You are around gasoline everyday, but not everyone realizes that gasoline is the most common flammable liquid manufactured and used. Because we use it so often, we sometimes forget some common facts about this flammable liquid: Gasoline as a liquid does not burn – it is the vapors that the liquid gives off that burn. Vapors usually cannot be seen but frequently travel long distances to a source of ignition. Thus the gasoline can be located a great distance from an actual ignition source. Gasoline gives off enough vapor to flash, when exposed...