11 Jul Slow Down in Road Construction Areas!
Slow Down in Road Construction Areas!
Even when all traffic control measures are taken, a confused or unaware driver can crash through a work site, or a daydreaming worker can step into the path of a speeding vehicle.
Some drivers take reckless chances by running stop signs or changing lanes without signaling. These unsafe acts jeopardize other drivers who may lose control of their vehicle while avoiding a collision. Follow these safety procedures:
Planning: All traffic control must be carefully planned and approved by governing authorities before work begins. If you are responsible for this planning, drive through the traffic pattern before any work starts to insure that the public will understand how to control their vehicles appropriately. If there is any possibility of driver confusion in the pattern, change it.
Signage: The Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices and local or state regulations should be followed for proper signage and barricading. Place initial warning signs a minimum of 1,000 feet from traffic revisions. All signs and related equipment should be in good condition and highly visible. In some cases, independent traffic safety contractors handle warning signs and barricades.
Barricades: Devices, which guide traffic such as cones or barrels should be highly visible and spaced relatively close together, so drivers will not deviate from an assigned traffic flow. All such barriers should be made of material that will cause little or no damage if a vehicle contacts it.
Flaggers: All employees should wear hard hats and must wear high-visibility orange or day-glow vests. When working at night, the vest should have light-reflective strips. Roadside construction sites must have at least one individual assigned to traffic control. A highly visible sign paddle should be used during daylight hours. It should be octagonal in shape, at least 18 inches across, and have letters at least six inches high that say STOP on one side and SLOW on the other. Flaggers should have two-way radios. When flaggers are present, a sign indicating this must be placed a minimum of 500 feet from the beginning of the detour.
Vehicles: All construction vehicles should be equipped with backing alarms, two-way radios, and Slow Moving Vehicle signs when appropriate. Ideally, they should be painted a highly visible color and many jurisdictions also require flashing yellow beacons. All operators must be qualified and trained to operate the equipment they are using. If a vehicle will be parked along side the road, orange safety cones should be placed around it to alert drivers.
Night Work: If work is done at night, the entire site must be illuminated. Increase warning distances in areas of fast-moving traffic as light fails. Flaggers should have orange-cone flashlights and barricades should be equipped with flashing lights. Any excavations or utility accesses should be taped off and barricaded with flashing warning lights.