Slips, Trips and Falls Safety Program
Chapter Section
Inspections to identify slip, trip and fall hazards are recommended at least annually, ideally prior to the wet season. For higher risk areas, a formal inspection is recommended at least on a quarterly basis; more frequently depending on the likelihood for changing conditions. For building common areas, recommend the building manager conduct inspections.
Recommended inspections should minimally include evaluation of the following:
- Condition of floors, carpets, and steps
- Floor maintenance protocol
- Housekeeping practices
- Lighting levels
- Presence and condition of guardrails/ handrails at elevated work surfaces. Refer to Appendix B for specific requirements.
For purposes of this Manual, an area where slip, trip, or fall hazards may likely arise during a typical work shift, is considered a “higher risk area”. Examples of higher risk areas include:
- Break rooms – wet floor
- Locker rooms – wet floor
- Loading docks – elevated locations