short cuts

Short Cuts

Short Cuts

Question: (Yes/No answer) Nearly everyone we know uses short cuts to get the job done? Answer: Generally yes.

However, there are some reasons not to use short cuts. As we all know, a project is completed by use of certain construction methods. Short cuts usually modify methods and as a result, decrease the safety built into proven methods.short cuts

Guide for Discussion

  • What are some ideas to keep in mind when doing short cuts?
  • Everyone uses short cuts They can be dangerous Sometimes they are deadly
  • Our company is willing to take the time necessary to do a job properly Heights increase the dangers of short cuts
  • Excavation and tunnels increase the dangers of short cuts
  • Warn those using unsafe short cuts of the hazards associated with short cuts.

Additional Discussion Notes:

Short cuts can really hurt our customers and our profits. Name some examples you have seen on the job.

Remember:  Although we all use short cuts in our daily routines, we must be aware of the dangers that short cuts expose us to. There are two ways to perform a work task. Often the safe way is not the fastest or easiest way.

NOTE: Always promote a discussion on any of the topics covered in the Tool Box Talks. Should any question arise that you cannot answer, don’t hesitate to contact your Employer.
