23 Feb Residential Wood Framing
Residential Wood Framing
Residential wood framing exposes workers to fall hazards, power tool injuries, and other general construction hazards.
Wear proper personal protective equipment for framing jobs. Work gloves to protect your hands. A hard hat protects your head from bumps and dropped items. Safety glasses protect your eyes from flying debris. Work boots with a heel and slip resistant sole prevent falls.
The wood pieces used for framing can be large and heavy. Stack job materials near the work area. Use mechanical lifting devices or use a team to lift when you can. Don’t lift and move loads that are too heavy or unstable. Hold materials close to you and lift with your legs, not your back.
Power tools used to cut and fasten materials should be inspected before each use and operated according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. Make sure that cutting tools have a sharp blade. Nail and screw guns should be used with the proper fasteners. Get training on tools that you are unfamiliar with.
Prevent falls during framing. Guard floor and wall openings, stairways and landings that could allow workers to fall. Wear fall protection with a secure anchor point.
Conduct job site inspections every day to ensure that the workplace is free of hazards. Brief employees periodically on job site operations such as trenching, electrical work, etc. Maintain good housekeeping every day and throughout each shift by picking up trash, debris, and other materials that could pose fire and slip, trip and fall hazards.
Know how to report hazards and accidents on your job site. If you spot a hazard on the job, make it safe or report it immediately for repair and correction. Know how to administer basic first aid Keep an up to date first aid kit to treat minor injuries. Know how to summon emergency care to the site if necessary.