18 May Protecting the Public
Protecting the Public
One social critic pointed out that in the late 1990’s the United States has four percent of the world population, and half the world’s attorney’s. In today’s legalistic society with the laws of civil liability and negligence being what they are, all construction companies need to take seriously steps to protect the public. It doesn’t really accomplish anything if we protect the public after an accident; their lawyer will have a field day in court at a cost to us and the future of our company.
Guide for Discussion
- Efforts to protect the jobsite should be directed toward the young. (Many liability claims come as a result to injuries to youths that gain access to a jobsite after hours or on )
- Inform the police of the normal hours of work and ask that they regularly patrol the site after working
- Have workers report changes in the work conditions that may require additional protective
- If possible, fence in the site using plywood or chain link fences, keep the site well lit at night, or provide for a night guard (including using an injured worker in an ERTW status).
- During working hours, don’t let unauthorized personnel on the site without an
- Always rope off or barricade excavations; protect against fall
Additional Discussion Notes:
Consider not installing risers and tread on stairways until after the doors and windows are hung to keep unwanted visitors out of the second or third floors.
Guardrails are an important fall protection on stairways and landing platforms. What do we do to insure guardrails remain functional?
Remember: In all situations of public exposure, it is important that steps are taken to eliminate the exposure of the public to injuries on your jobsite. In defending a suit against the company, good faith efforts can go a long way to protecting the company.
NOTE: Always promote a discussion on any of the topics covered in the Tool Box Talks. Should any question arise that you cannot answer, don’t hesitate to contact your Employer.