23 May Machine Guards
Machine Guards
If a machine has a part, function or process, which can cause injury, it needs a safeguard. Guards are installed on machinery to protect you and others from injury. This means that when a machine is in operation, its guards must be in place. A guard must never be bypassed or removed during use. If a guard is removed for machine cleaning or repairing, it must be put back into place before reuse or storage.
Before beginning any work on a machine, check its moving parts to make sure that all guards are properly functioning and securely in place. Checking the guards should be part of your regular daily inspection. Missing or damaged guards should be reported to your supervisor – whether the equipment belongs in your work area or not.
Make sure you understand and follow lockout/blockout rules for use, maintenance, and repair of moving machinery. Don’t let breakdowns, jammed work or broken parts cause you to forget safety procedures. Power should be turned off and switches locked and tagged during repair and moving equipment should be blocked to protect against stored energy. When the repair has been completed, guards must be replaced and checked that they work properly.
Before you use moving machinery, make sure you’ve been trained in its safe operation. Only trained and authorized workers are allowed to operate moving machinery. You should be instructed in the proper clothing for working around machines including required personal protective equipment. Periodically review safety procedures to assure you understand all training and safe machine-operating practices.
Pay attention when working with or around moving machines. Keep yourself – and your hands – away from moving parts of machinery. Machines have guards to protect you. Let them do their job so that you can do your job.