07 Jul Lockout Tagout – Remember to Lockout and Tagout
Lockout Tagout – Remember to Lockout and Tagout
Anyone who operates, cleans, services, adjusts, and repairs machinery or equipment should be aware of the hazards associated with that machinery. Any powered machinery or electrical equipment that can move in a way that would put people in danger is a hazard that can be prevented by lockout tagout procedures. Failure to lock out or tag power sources on equipment can result in electrocutions, amputations, and other serious-sometimes fatal-accidents.
What are the most common causes of these accidents?
- The machine or piece of equipment was not completely shut off before a maintenance or repair operation. Not only must the machine be turned off but also the power source that goes to it.
- The machine was turned on accidentally, either out of carelessness or because the person who turned it on did not realize that another worker was there and could get hurt.
- The machine was not working correctly but was not fixed, turned off, locked or tagged, and someone who did not know about the problem used it.
- Moving equipment was not blocked.
- Safety procedures were inadequate or had not been properly explained.
Remember the dangers and be on your guard around any machinery and moving equipment. Even if you do not operate the machinery, you could get caught in it and injured if it is not properly disconnected. So what can you do to prevent accidental injury from moving machinery?
- Identify all jobs and equipment that require lockout of power sources
- Post warning signs wherever possible to indicate that lockout is required
- Develop written procedures explaining how lockout is to be done
- Train all personnel in the lockout procedures for their particular job and offer periodic refresher training
- Allow no deviation from the written policies and procedures
- Use engineering and administrative controls as much as possible to eliminate the need for lockout
- Perform regular maintenance to prevent malfunctioning equipment
Be aware of your personal safety and the safety of others when working with or around moving equipment and machinery. Always follow proper lockout and tagout procedures, even for a quick or minor repair!