21 Mar Lockout/Blockout
Lockout-Blockout. If you operate, clean, service, adjust or repair machinery and equipment, be aware of the hazards to which you’re exposing yourself. Any powered equipment that could put you in danger is a hazard that can be prevented when lockout/blockout procedures are followed. Before working on or near energized equipment, visually inspect the work area to identify energy sources. Go through every step of the process to make sure accidental equipment activation won’t take you by surprise. If you identify an energy source, follow appropriate lockout/blockout procedures. Never touch or operate power-activated equipment unless you’ve been trained and are authorized to do so. Never touch anything that is locked or tagged unless you’re responsible for working on it and are sure the power is disconnected.
Be aware of the dangers and be on your guard around any machinery or moving equipment. Even if you don’t operate the machinery, you could get caught in it and injured if it’s not properly locked. How can you prevent accidental injury from moving machinery?
- Identify machinery and equipment that requires lockout of power sources
- Observe warning signs where lockout is required
- Follow the company’s written procedures explaining how lockout is to be done
- Make sure you’ve been trained in lockout procedures for the particular job and take periodic refresher training
- Perform regular maintenance to prevent malfunctioning equipment
Be aware of your safety and that of others when working with or around power-activated equipment and machinery. Follow all lockout/blockout procedures – all the time and every time – even for a quick or minor repair. Lockout/blockout procedures can safeguard you from injury or death in the event of an unexpected start-up or release of stored energy.