Painter Safety (1) A painter applies coatings to surfaces and products to protect and/or beautify them. They use chemicals such as solvents, fillers, etchers, primers, color, and clear coats. Be familiar with the chemicals you use in the workplace. Read and understand the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for the proper use of each chemical. Chemical containers require labels with at least the name and the primary hazard of the chemical inside. Choose chemicals that have lower hazard ratings for fire, health, and reactivity. Spray painting and the use of solvents may cause you to inhale dust, vapors, and mists of coating chemicals. Do...

Emergency Eye Wash & Deluge Showers Let's hope you never need an eye wash, but if you do let's hope it's clean and accessible. If you get foreign particles in your eyes or a chemical spill on your body, an emergency eyewash station or deluge shower is the most important initial step in first-aid treatment. Chemical burns to the eye are among the most urgent of emergencies. An eyewash/shower is required if: The Safety Data Sheet indicates a chemical in use is caustic, toxic, or corrosive. The SDS informs that serious eye damage may result. Warnings such as "causes chemical burns" or...

Insects Use repellents containing 20% to 30% DEET Put repellent on your skin AND clothing Re-apply repellents often Wear light colored long sleeved shirts, long pants tucked into boots, socks and a hat Check hair, clothes and skin every day for ticks Remove ticks with a fine-tipped tweezers Wash infected area with soap and water Wash and dry work clothes on the ‘hot’ setting to kill any insects present ...

Changing Crops During Drought The California agriculture industry grows half of the fruits, vegetables, and nuts consumed in our nation. As drought conditions intensify, many farmers are changing their crops to less water intensive plants, drought resistant crops, or leaving their lands fallow. With this shift, causing needed changes in cultivation and harvesting, require farmers to conduct a hazard analysis to update safety procedures for equipment, tools and chemicals related to new crops and processes. New crops may require changing implements on your farming equipment. Make sure to: Get training on the operation of any new blades, discs, or other implements Use...

Heat Exhaustion During summer months we can be exposed to heat exhaustion. Excessive heat causes accidents in many ways. It becomes more difficult to concentrate on the job, you sweat, you get tired and nervous, and begin making errors in judgment. When the temperature exceeds 90 degrees, everyone needs to be aware of the danger signs. Heat Stress Everyone is at risk Drink plenty of water Take frequent breaks in a cool, shaded area Schedule strenuous tasks for earlier in the day Avoid beverages containing alcohol or caffeine Know the signs and symptoms of heat stress, heat stroke, heat exhaustion, heat cramps and...

Emergency! Where's The Fire Extinguisher? As you walk toward the maintenance shop, you smell something burning and see light gray smoke coming from the window. You run into the shop and find the contents of the plastic trash can burning. What will you do? What is burning in the trash can? Where is the closest fire extinguisher? What type of extinguisher is it? Is the fire too big for you to put out? Do you even need a fire extinguisher? Are there people in the shop that should be warned of the danger? These are questions that should be going through your...

Vehicle Operations Most construction sites never have all the site space that they need to move vehicles in and around. This is especially true with new subdivisions. Therefore it is important that all the space we have is conserved and used to its maximum. We can reasonably expect congested traffic and an increased likelihood of a vehicle-related accident. Guide for Discussion Always keep the vehicles and equipment in good running This includes brakes, lights, turn signals, and backup alarms if so equipped. Any loads extending past the vehicle body must be No employee should be allowed to ride the load or exterior...

Grinders Grinders use powered rotating attachments to work metal and other materials. Bench grinders are mounted to a bench or tabletop while pedestal grinders are mounted to the floor on a pedestal. With an abrasive, wire brush, or buffing wheel attachment, grinders sharpen tools and shape, clean, or polish metal pieces. Grinders can cause severe injuries to hands, fingers, eyes and face if they are not used correctly. Don’t wear gloves that could get pulled into rotating grinder parts along with your fingers and hand. Remove jewelry from around your neck, fingers, and wrists. Wear close-fitting clothing that will not get entangled...

Everyone Is Responsible For Safety Safety is everyone's responsibility! As an employee, you should: Learn to work safely and take all rules seriously. Recognize hazards and avoid them. Report all accidents, injuries and illness to your supervisor immediately. Inspect tools before use to avoid injury. Wear all assigned personal protective equipment. On the other hand, it is management's responsibility to: Provide a safe and healthy workplace. Provide personal protective equipment. Train employees in safe procedures and in how to identify hazards. Everyone must be aware of potential hazards on the job: Poor housekeeping results in slips, trips and falls. Electricity can cause...

Listening Safety Nearly all construction sites are filled with various sounds and noises. Each sound we hear is the result of an action of a worker using a tool or a piece of equipment. In nearly every case, a tool  or piece of equipment will signal its breakdown by a change in the normal operating sound. Everyone on site should condition himself or herself to be able to pick up these advance warning signals even when wearing ear plugs or earmuffs. Your individual safety could easily be dependent on your ability to hear approaching danger. Guide for Discussion Things Decreasing Listening Safety Over...