Acetone Use & Care Acetone, also called dimethyl ketone, is one of the ketone group of solvents that also includes methyl ethyl ketone. Mechanics, painters, and fiberglass workers are frequent users of acetone for various purposes in the shop, and many people are familiar with its pleasant sweet-smelling odor. Acetone is an excellent solvent for oils and greases. It is often used in the electronics industry for degreasing and cleaning of precision electronic parts. It is also used in the formulation of lacquers, rubber cements, cleaning fluids, and paint removers, as well as the manufacture of methacrylic and epoxy resins. Acetone...

Machine Guards - Safety Requirements For Safeguards Placing and keeping machine guards on exposed machinery is a major step in preventing lacerations and amputations of body parts. It is also a requirement of State or federal OSHA Safety and Health Standards. In general, these standards explain guarding requirements in the following terms: Machines that have a grinding, shearing, punching, pressing, squeezing, drawing, cutting, rolling, mixing or similar action, including pinch points and shear points, whereas an employee comes within the danger zone, shall be guarded at the point of operation in a manner that provides protection for the employee. Keys, set...

Proper Repair Of Electrical Cords It shouldn't happen, but it does. Even heavy-duty extension cords become damaged. Because they can be expensive, you may be asked to make a repair, rather than get a new cord. But merely reattaching and wrapping the wires doesn't mean the repair is proper or safe. Let's review the correct way to repair electrical cords. The first obvious step is often overlooked. Unplug the cord and take control of both ends. Splices: Cut back only enough of the outer and inner insulation to make the repair. Keep in mind that the color-coded wires on one side need...

Powder-Actuated Hand Tools Whenever you operate powder-actuated hand tools, safe work practices must always be followed. These tools are designed to fire nails or fastening devices into material not easily penetrated such as concrete, steel, and masonry. Unfortunately, they have also been known to fire nails and fastening devices into human flesh. Only qualified persons who have been trained and certified by an authorized instructor should use a powder-actuated tool! Persons using the tools should always have their certification card with them. GENERAL SAFETY RULES FOR powder-actuated hand tools: A powder-actuated tool must never be pointed at anyone, whether it is loaded...

Earthquake Safety Earthquake Safety - According to the US Geological Survey, there is a 60% chance that a 6.7 magnitude or greater earthquake will occur in California in the next 30 years.  An earthquake of this size can pose an immediate hazard to worker safety, strain public services and disrupt business.  The best way to survive an earthquake, or any other emergency, safely is to prepare, plan, and practice. First, prepare your workplace for an earthquake.  Large equipment such as boilers, tanks, and machines need to be secured properly so they will not fall over in an earthquake.  Furniture such as bookshelves...

Save Your Back When Working In Awkward Positions We have all been told to avoid back injury by bending our knees when we lift, keeping the load close and avoiding twisting motions. These safety rules may be appropriate for simple, direct lifting of materials, but what about back care when you are working in awkward positions? Work tasks that require you to reach or stretch away from your body while handling materials can also put excessive strain on the vertebral discs and soft tissues in the back. An awkward position is a work posture that distorts the spine from its natural curves,...

Why Use A Safety Can For Gasoline? Gasoline is an extremely flammable liquid fuel. It should always be handled and stored properly in order to reduce the likelihood of fires and explosions. Personal injuries ranging from first-degree burns to fatalities can result from improper handling and storage practices. Safety cans are designed to control the flammable vapors of gasoline and to provide a safe and convenient means for storage and transfer. Underwriters Laboratories (UL) approved safety cans should be used to carry, dispense, and store gasoline in quantities up to five gallons. Failure to use approved metal containers for flammable or combustible...

Spontaneous Ignition Many people do not believe it can happen. For no apparent reason, fire erupts, usually during off-hours. It does happen. It's called spontaneous ignition, and preventing it is part of your job. Spontaneous ignition occurs when a combustible object is heated to its ignition temperature by a chemical reaction involving the oxygen in the air around us. This "oxidation" process creates heat that, if not dissipated, will build up until ignition occurs. Generally, this can happen when the materials are left in piles and the heat being generated in the pile cannot be released into the air. A number of materials...

Protective Headwear One serious blow to the head can leave an otherwise strong and healthy person permanently brain-damaged or disabled for life. At best, a blow on the head can give you a whopper of a headache. Therefore, it is crucial to protect it from the impact of falling objects, painful bumps, and in some cases, from high-voltage electric shock. ANSI-approved head protection is generally required when there is "a potential for head injury from falling or moving objects" and where employees' heads are exposed to electricity. Hard Hats: The American National Standards Institute has established guidelines for helmets, the latest of...

Workplace Electrical Safety May is National Electrical Safety Month, but electrical safety in the workplace deserves daily attention. NIOSH researchers, Kisner & Casini, analyzed 224 electrocutions which resulted in 244 workplace fatalities. These fatalities accounted for approximately 7% of all workplace deaths. The information they learned provides valuable lessons for everyone that works with or around electricity. Younger males die most often. Victims ranged in age from 17- 70 years, 99% of them were men, 64% died prior to age 35, and 99% of the incidents involved alternating current (AC). New hires need to take the most care. 41% of all...