Handling 55 Gallon Drums Safely In the typical workplace 55 gallon drums are used to store material, to ship it, to dispense it for use, and to store wastes. All these drums must be moved from time to time. Like most things, there's a right way to move a drum-and several wrong ways to do it. At least four serious injuries can occur if a drum is not handled safely: fractures lacerations hernias back strain All these injuries are painful and require a long time to heal. By taking a few precautions before you attempt to move a drum, you can help...

Do You Know Someone New On the Job? The average person changes jobs eight times in a lifetime. How many different companies or different jobs have you worked? Do you remember how it feels to be the new kid on the block? How many times have you changed from a laborer to a carpenter, or from an ironworker to a welder, then to a leadman? Every time you have made on of these changes, you’ve faced a higher probability of being injured on the job. Studies show that in heavy industries up to 25% of injuries, or 1 in every 4 workers,...

Defensive Driving – It May Save Your Life Our jobs may require us to spend a lot of time on the road. On any city street you are likely to see delivery vans, couriers, salespeople, and utility persons making frequent stops as they conduct their business. Some people spend many hours in traffic just going to and from work. Even though the mileage may be small, the amount of time spent on the road is very long. Every hour spent on the road increases your chance of having an accident. Certainly speed is a factor in accidents. Many accidents happen simply because the driver...

Construction Equipment Dangers Construction equipment used on construction jobs often creates dangerous conditions. This Tailgate Safety Topic examines a few situations which should be watched for at all times. Any moving equipment, such as skip loaders, back hoes, trenchers, cranes, hi-lifts, trucks, you name it should be respected and avoided. Don’t just assume that the operator sees you. You could wind up injured or worse. And don’t depend on hearing a horn or an alarm to warn you that moving equipment is near. You may not be able to hear equipment’s alarm over other construction noise. When you see that equipment is traveling...

Safe Fleet Driving Do you drive a company vehicle? It is your responsibility to continuously evaluate and recognize accident-producing situations. Your worst nightmare could be right around the corner. Recent studies have revealed that each year, more than one in three company vehicles are involved in an accident. According to the National Safety Council, two-thirds of these accidents were at least partially caused by a driver error while traveling on highways. Here are some safe driving tips to exercise while operating your personal or company vehicle: Whenever possible, pre-plan your travel route by studying a map or getting directions. If you are...

Slow Down in Road Construction Areas! Even when all traffic control measures are taken, a confused or unaware driver can crash through a work site, or a daydreaming worker can step into the path of a speeding vehicle. Some drivers take reckless chances by running stop signs or changing lanes without signaling. These unsafe acts jeopardize other drivers who may lose control of their vehicle while avoiding a collision. Follow these safety procedures: Planning: All traffic control must be carefully planned and approved by governing authorities before work begins. If you are responsible for this planning, drive through the traffic pattern before any...

Electricity and Breaker Panels The process of forcing electrons to move through a material creates electricity. A standard generator performs this process. The best material for carrying electricity is a "conductor." Most metals are excellent conductors and the most common material used for electrical wiring is copper. In order to provide protection from direct contact with the conductor, an "insulator" is used as a cover around the conductor. Electrons will not move easily through insulators such as most plastics and rubber. Insulators and proper grounding help to prevent electrical shocks. Typically, electricity is provided to your building or facility by way of...

Pallet Safety Webster defines a pallet as a "support for freight." As a support, it has the potential to take a lot of abuse. A lot of old pallets are never discarded when they should be. They are stacked in a corner and not used except as a last resort when there are no good ones left. Too many times we hear that a pallet has broken and the freight has fallen to the floor. This not only causes freight damage but can also result in equipment damage--or worse yet, in employee injury or death. Please take a moment to review...

Office Safety - It Only Takes a Minute Yes – even working in an office can have its own hazards. Often we think about how dangerous it is to drive a truck, sandblast a building, removing asbestos, but even people who work in offices can get hurt. Let's review some of the situations that increase exposure to injury and what we can do about them: Watch where you are going. Avoid walking and reading at the same time. If it is important enough to read, then stop and read it. Trips, slips and falls can be hazardous. Close that file drawer. Never...

Do You Know the Common Facts About Gasoline? You are around gasoline everyday, but not everyone realizes that gasoline is the most common flammable liquid manufactured and used. Because we use it so often, we sometimes forget some common facts about this flammable liquid: Gasoline as a liquid does not burn – it is the vapors that the liquid gives off that burn. Vapors usually cannot be seen but frequently travel long distances to a source of ignition. Thus the gasoline can be located a great distance from an actual ignition source. Gasoline gives off enough vapor to flash, when exposed...